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Music video by Andrew Tejada performing Sube. (C) 2021 LACA RECORDS LLC http://vevo.ly/fn8YAk
Stream «Ay, DiOs Mío!» on your favorite streaming platform: https://KarolG.lnk.to/AyDiosMio!YD Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZuPJZ2kGFdlbQu1qotZaHw?sub_confirmation=1 Connect with KAROL…
Colores out now: https://JBalvin.lnk.to/ColoresYD Shop: https://jbalvinstore.universalmusica.com/ Subscribe to J Balvin’s channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt-k6JwNWHMXDBGm9IYHdsg?sub_confirmation=1 Follow J Balvin: https://instagram.com/jbalvin Tweets by JBALVIN…
Disponible en todas las plataformas digitales! https://ElJefe.lnk.to/ElAlfa Sigueme en las redes sociales: INSTAGRAM — @ElAlfaElJefe @dherrera175 Pagina Oficial https://eljefemoneyrecord.com/ ©:…